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Vanilla Cashew Pudding

Cashews for Baby Boo Baby Boo is a very good eater. His palate is better than most adults when it comes to loving healthy and nutritious foods. I have introduced cashews into his diet and he loves them. I have a variety of recipes from cheesy sauces to sweet vanilla pudding; Baby Boo enjoys them all! Cashews are a very high-protein nut. It is a great addition to a vegan/vegetarian/low-animal product diet. Some consider this a super nut because of the benefits they provide to your health. Cashews aid in the formation of red blood cells, improved bone and oral health, encourages a healthy immune system, heart, nervous system and muscular system. These little guys are a powerhouse for protein! There is 5 grams of protein in 1 ounce of cashews. That's about 18 cashews to meet the serving size for protein. You will still need to add additional sources of protein to your diet for essential amino acids. You can add black beans, quinoa, seedless raisins, apricots or greens. Ho...

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